WagJag: Save up to 90% off a Subscription to National Geographic (2 Options)

WagJag National Deal of the Day: Up to 90% off a Subscription to National Geographic (2 Options)

Buy now from only $14
Regular Price $139.87
You Save $125.87
Discount 90% Off

Reading National Geographic inspires travel, expands your dinner party conversation topics and gets you one step closer to being the next Jeopardy superstar. Smarten up with today’s selection of WagJags from National Geographic:

  • $14 for a 1-year digital subscription plus access to National Geographic magazine’s online archives (a $139.87 value)
  • $20 for a 1-year print subscription (an $83.88 value)

This is a limited 1-week only sale that will expire at midnight on Sunday, November 25, 2012. Click here to buy now or for more information about the deal. Quantities are limited so don’t miss out!

Captivating storytelling; breathtaking one-of-a-kind photography
Print and digital magazine subscriptions include a 1-year membership to the National Geographic Society
Digital edition includes access to both iPad and iPhone editions, plus access to National Geographic magazine’s online archives from 1888 onward
Unlimited buys make this a great gift

Offer Details
Voucher expires November 19, 2013
Limit 1 voucher per person, may buy unlimited as gifts
Digital subscription (option 1) includes 12 monthly issues to iPad and iPhone editions + access to online archives. Get immediate access to the first issue
Print subscription (option 2) includes 12 monthly issues. Please allow 6 – 8 weeks for delivery of the first issue
Value quoted is based on the newsstand price
Valid for Canadian addresses only
No substitutions. Non-refundable by National Geographic
No additional charges. No cash value. No cash back

National Geographic

Roam the world without leaving your living room with this offer valid for a one-year (12 issues) print or digital subscription to National Geographic. With the print edition, flip through each colourful, high-gloss page and explore the diversity of our planet’s lands and inhabitants in compelling stories covering topics such as animals, nature, science, technology, culture, history, travel, adventure, exploration, and geography. With the digital edition, enjoy awe-inspiring photography, stunning videos, audio interviews, daily newsfeed and updates from photographers in the field, interactive maps and images with 360 degree views, and so much more! Plus, each digital subscription includes online archive access to National Geographic magazine back issues from 1888 onward.

While all fees support the National Geographic Society’s mission of expanding geographic knowledge, 90 percent is designated for the magazine subscription, and no portion should be considered a charitable contribution.

Click here to buy now or for more information about the deal. Don’t miss out!

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